3 Steps Before Listing

Spring is still a little ways off in Upstate New York, but real estate Spring starts in March, almost without fail, every year. Before you list, there’s a few things that you can do to really help you sell quickly and for top dollar.

I’ve read through countless materials from numerous agents, NAR, and home design blogs, but really, 3 main things always stand true across the field. So, I consolidated those 3 steps into this blog post in an effort to provide the tried and true pre-list checklist for my readers.

It may seem obvious. Put away everything on the counter. However, getting your house showing ready goes way beyond sorting through your mail and finally putting your remotes away. Step 1 is all about Marie Kondo. I am talking some serious organizing. Go through the kitchen drawers one by one. Get rid of the utensils and gadgets you never use. All they will do is tell your buyer that the kitchen doesn’t have that much storage, after all!

Your closet? Get rid of the TOMS you hiked holes in. The high heels you haven’t worn in 6 years. Less is MORE when it comes to spaces like these. You want buyers to know you’ve taken care of your home, even the closets!

Yes, you need to organize your basement and your garage. When my buyers walk into basements stuffed so full we have to shift our way through aisles, they get so overwhelmed with thoughts on how the seller can possibly be ready to move. I want my buyers to see basement walls and be able to walk to the utility items.

Truthfully, you’re going to have to pack all these items when your home sells in a heartbeat. You’ll be so thankful you organized it before listing so that you don’t have to go through it when you’re already exhausted from packing! You’ll also be so pleased when you get top dollar because you organized before starting to show your home.

Take the time to get organized. Take it slow. Go room by room, drawer by drawer, closet by closet. Never dump everything into one main space and try and weed through it. You’ll drown and give up, making yourself worse for the wear.

This one is so important. The industry has long told sellers that personal photos should be removed so buyers can visualize themselves in the space. This is definitely true. It allows buyers to not get distracted or uncomfortable in a home that could end up being theirs. Sellers want to make the home feel inviting so that the buyer wants to plop on the couch and live there! That would be pretty awkward with your wedding photo staring at them on the end table, though…

It’s not just for that reason. Another important thing to consider is concealing your identity. Yes, tax documents are public record, but if you live in a small area, it can be pretty awkward when the buyer knows who you are but you haven’t the faintest idea who they are walking through your local grocery store. They saw your face on your mantle with all of your kids’ faces! That has always been rather unsettling to me.

The last thing to consider goes beyond photos. Personalization is also shower curtains, tub faucet spouts, drawings on your fridge, and even paint colors. In order to make your home neutral, try to do away with as much as you can, while still enjoying living in your own home. Your kiddo loves her pink polka dot room and bathroom, but buyers just see a project. Hide the toddler seat reducer, too 😉

This step is somewhat optional. Your home should always be vacuumed and bathrooms wiped down prior to showing it. But there are some additional things you can do to help it shine!

Re-grout and reseal tile floors and showers. Pull away moldy caulking and silicone and re-do. Wipe down doors and handles with magic erasers, and while your at it, clean up light switches and outlets!

Consider having a professional clean your windows, inside and out. Many will also clean the screens! This improves the views and people can enjoy the feeling of being outside without seeing tiny hand prints and snout marks.

Broken or yellow outlets and covers can make a home feel dated and dingy. Some buyers don’t even register that that is why a room turned them off to the house, it’s purely subconscious!! If you have the knowledge, consider replacing. If you don’t, call your local electrician. Many charge an hourly rate to do simple tasks like these.

Shampoo carpets and paint dingy walls. If you aren’t sure where to start with painting, checkout my previous post. This helps remove odor and visually can heighten the appeal of a room! Hire someone to pressure wash the exterior and decking+driveway or DIY. Clean the roof and the gutters, as well, to help buyers gain a sense of relief when they drive up to the house.

Lastly, adding fresh mulch or rocks and annual flowers to landscaping can dramatically improve curb appeal if it’s in the budget!

I wish you all a happy selling season and I hope this quick 3 steps will give you a rapid and multiple offer situation. Feel free to leave questions or comments below. I love to hear your selling stories!


Whether you are interested in selling your home or just sprucing it up, I would love to help!

No commitment necessary!

Let me know how I can serve you!