4 Tasks to Tackle this Spring

With the rampage of COVID-19, many of us will be spending extended amounts of time in our homes the coming weeks. It’s not very often that we have such a great opportunity to spend time really settling IN our homes, as much of the time we have somewhere to be.

I am sure I have made my husband crazy with the lists and lists of things I am hoping to accomplish while we are home, but I love to be productive and check items off!

Much of my personal lists include major renovations and painting, but yours don’t have to! In fact, I would encourage you to start with these four things to get your head really thinking about your home. What do you love? What isn’t working? What areas are a pain to upkeep?

While you’re working on these items, it can be really helpful to start brainstorming ways you can improve the functionality of your home to work better for you and your family!

(For additional input or help brainstorming, be sure to join my Facebook group: Upstate Renovate. Just a support group for the average person looking for help on how to improve the space they live in!)

This one is frequently done throughout the year in my home. Many people regularly clean under their furniture, and now is as good a time as any! Get ahead on that spring cleaning!

The kitchen appliances are apparently a quirk of mine. Sometimes, a friend will ask what my plans are for the weekend and I say, “Oh, we’re pulling out kitchen appliances to clean behind and underneath.” They are shocked that I would bother. But really, give it a try! Dust LOVES to hide on your fridge and so much food falls under the stove! Prolong your appliances lifespan by dusting them off and cleaning the insides.

This one tends to lose many readers. It’s overwhelming. There’s no way around it, but through it. But you’re home for a few weeks, right? So, why not! It’s time to clear out those baby items that your kids have outgrown and the clothes that are from years ago that aren’t even in style. If you haven’t worn it or used it, get it out of there!

You will feel so much better if these spaces are organized and decluttered. Since our move from Hawaii to New York, I often ask myself, “Would I insist on this being packed and carried across the ocean?” If the answer is no, I don’t actually want or need it (Unless it’s relevant to where I live currently, of course!)

This one is important. Just because we have to practice social distancing, does not mean we can’t go outside!! Take some time as the days warm up to get outside in the sunshine. Clear up last years leaves. Pick up sticks and have a bonfire (make sure there’s no burn ban!). Put some energy into cleaning away winter’s grime and build up on your roof and siding and make your home’s exterior look loved and like new! Spruce up your flower beds with flowers and top soil. To me, the possibilities outside are endless.

This one tags along with the previous post. If the only garden you plant is a flower bed, then you’re doing better than most! Never underestimate the healing power of a quiet moment in the garden. There are quite a few gardening shows on Netflix. You can start there and learn how to plant a garden that blooms throughout the year!

Janet Phillips says, “There are no gardening mistakes, only experiments.” Once I heard this quote, I had the courage to embark on a vegetable garden. It was one of the most rewarding and relaxing experiences. It can feel overwhelming to start, but pick up a few seeds at your local nursery, tractor supply, grocery store, or order them online. Burpees, Heirloom Seeds, Ancient Seeds, you name it, they got them! Once you realize that no harm comes from a seed not growing, you’ll never go back.

Trust me. Something will grow.

And remember, “gardening adds years to your life and life to your years.” – Unknown

So take some moments to settle in and decide what sorts of things you have been meaning to get to around the house, and hop to it.

Feel free to share your goals and accomplishments in the comments. I will live vicariously through your checklists.