Finding Your Agent

I work with a lot of first time home buyers and the first question they ask me is almost always, “How do I pick an agent?”

Maybe you’re wondering why they ask me that. Let’s start there.

When I meet a new lead, they usually meet me at an open house for one of my listings (in this case, I work for the seller) or, they found me on Zillow, similar to a blind date. They aren’t mine yet, so they ask this question to get my professional opinion. This is always true. You don’t have to stay with the first agent you meet. Interview a few at open houses. See a few houses with different agents. Don’t sign a contract until you find the right agent.

In an ideal world, every lead I meet would convert to a long term returning client who is at least one sale. But I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.

I’ll probably say this more than once, but listen each time:

Your Agent should be your cup of tea.

They should be someone you’re comfortable with, because buying and/or selling a house is a lot.

So, how DO you pick an agent?

This chart is very oversimplified, but it gets the major points I’m about to discuss across.

Start with experience!

Most agents have their experience clearly listed on every platform that they can think of, because this makes them credible to the inexperienced buyer (that’s probably you). But, let’s say you meet an agent who looks like they are put together and then you look up their experience and it only says 2 years (me!). Should you hire them?

If you were drawn to their page, there’s probably a really good reason! They likely are put together and are still great at what they do. You looked them up, didn’t you? So, look for other ways that they have experience.

Do they personally invest? Do they flip homes and decide to get licensed? Did they work in inspections, mortgages, or another related real estate field prior to starting out as a licensed agent?

Agents all start somewhere. I have met remarkable new agents, they’re almost ALWAYS eager to please. They’re motivated to learn and motivated to do a good job. I have also met really terrible agents for first time home buyers who have been in business for years. They have their client base and referrals, but no longer have the time to support first time home buyers, instead of sending them away, they refer them and get a cut.

Rather than get “assigned” to an agent because your first choice didn’t have time for you, take the bull by the horns and get yourself someone who fits your needs and wants to help you!

So, what if they have years of experience. You should just hire them right? How do you make sure you don’t end up with the agent who is going to shrug you off to an assigned agent, or worse, help you but never tell you what is happening?

Do they answer their phone?

There’s no way around it. If they’re too busy for your phone call, they’re too busy for you.

I take pride in employing the “education” method of home buying. When I walk up to a house, I want my clients to see what I see. I want them to look for what I look for. I want them to understand what goes through my head to guarantee they are making a good investment. I want them to know that I’m available to answer their concerns and questions in a timely fashion. I work weekends. I work evenings. I have my phone and I answer it. If I can’t call, I will text you and tell you why. If it’s loud, I do my best to get you an answer via text or email. If it’s late (I usually respond, much to my husband’s dismay), then I’ll get back early the next morning.

If you’re waiting for an answer for more than a day, you’re agent sees someone else as more important. Hard truth, I know. Maybe they forgot, sure, but is that a quality you want from your professional? I hope they don’t forget something important about your transaction…

By the time we’re closing, I want my clients to have the knowledge to navigate the process next time alone, but to have enjoyed working with me so much that they invite me to work for them again.

Some buyers don’t want that kind of experience. “Who cares about that? Why would you point that out to me, I care about this or that. Do you even know what I’m looking for?”

If you feel that way when your agent is talking to you, you have the wrong agent.

Plain and simple!

The most important thing to remember about choosing your agent is that they should be someone you jive with. Their business model. Their personality.

Real estate is absolutely and positively about personal branding.

The product you’re buying is me. I am helping you buy the house. Step one is always finding the right agent.

Real estate agents are the glue that holds the deal together. The oil that keeps the engine running smooth and clean. The key to your dream home. They will connect you with everyone else you need to know and organize every requirement needed to close.

So, next time you’re on a blind Zillow date, just remember you’re not stuck with them. You’re interviewing them!